The Great Moth Migration of 2012

It seems that everything’s ahead of schedule this spring.  Most obviously, flowers are blooming weeks before they typically do (we’re already harvesting seeds!)    I’d love to hear from someone who knows whether or not bees are emerging ahead of schedule to synch up with those early flowers.  I assume most of them are, based on the numbers I see nectaring.  What I do know is that moths and butterflies that make annual northward migrations to Nebraska have arrived early, and in large numbers.

A celery looper moth (Anagrapha falcifera) nectaring on hairy puccoon (Lithospermum caroliniense) last week in our Platte River Prairies. This native moth is one of many species that annually migrates northward into regions of the country where it can’t overwinter. Thanks to Eric Metzler for the identification of the moth in all three photos in this post.

I don’t know if the moths and butterflies are moving early because the flowers are blooming early, or if both the flowers and insects are simply responding to the same stimuli.  As I looked into it, however, I was surprised to learn how much control moths and butterflies have over where they go.  Many species of insects use seasonal winds to help carry them where they want to go, but it’s not as simple as the “wind blowing them north”.

First, why do moths and butterflies migrate northward every spring/summer?  The migratory species are unable to overwinter where the ground freezes, so they can’t live up here year-round.  However, there are lots of nectar-producing flowers here, providing an incentive for southern insects to move north. (Nature abhors a vacuum?)

To get north, moths and butterflies take advantage of strong south winds that help push them where they want to go.  They don’t fly on days when the wind would be in their face or crosswise with their intended direction.  Even when the wind isn’t blowing the exact right direction, however, the insects can correct for drift and still fly where they want to go – a far cry from being at the mercy of the wind.  Recent studies of moth and butterfly migrations in Europe (using radar) found that the insects can also increase their speed by flying high enough to ride the stronger winds at high altitudes.  Some flew more than 1,000 feet in the air and reached top speeds of 55 miles per hour.

I’m sure many readers of this blog have noticed the abundance of miller moths (army cutworm moths) in their house and yard this spring.  The big numbers, and the fact that they end up in people’s houses, have attracted a fair amount of media attention.  In reality millers are only one of many species that have made the trip early this year.  Many other moths and butterflies – notably red admirals – have also come north already, and are busily flitting around flowers in yards and prairies.

A bilobed looper (Megalographa biloba) nectaring from the same flower species as its close relative, the celery looper. Hairy puccoon was one of the few conspicuous flowering plants in a recently burned sand prairie – making it a big target for insect pollinators of all kinds, but especially moths.


A face-to-face look at the bilobed looper.

There’s much we don’t know about insect migration.  Not surprisingly, it’s a difficult topic to study!  As we continue to learn more, however, I’m sure the story will just get more and more interesting.  Stay tuned!

Below are some links to more information on this topic.

An article on the European moth/butterfly migration study I mentioned.

Daily Nebraskan newspaper article on the early migration.

Two links to information on the moth species featured in my above photos.

Bilobed Looper

Celery Looper

11 thoughts on “The Great Moth Migration of 2012

  1. Painted Ladies and Red Admiral butterflies have come northward in waves so far this spring, and we’ve had some of the earliest reports of Monarch’s in years!! With bloom times way ahead of schedule, one wonder’s if there will be a dearth of nectar flowers come July?

  2. Very good information in the blog. We in Chicago’s western suburbs have seen the admirals but also monarchs feeding on just opening asclepias tuberosa. Today I had a humming bird on aquilegia canadensis.

  3. Hey Chris

    Havent found any of the bilobed loopers …..yet…there is a moth in my refigorator that I cannot catch but he/she is not of the same species as the others I am escorting out of my windows and doors.

    I have TONS of butterflies , bees and moths in my rasberries this week..they are overwhelming in their diversity. My raspberry patch just blurrs with activity of the pollinaters. Skippers…three differnt kinds, monarcs , morning clokes, red adramals, paintedladies.’ pearl cresents…one of the filtrraries…. bumble bees….three different kinds, Eourpean Honey bees, and 8 different tiny pollinaters…. ones you cant hardly see…AND…,oh yes and the moths.. to numerous to count.!

    I am going to have a record crop of black raspberrys this year!!! Every one of thoes flowers are getting pollinated!

    It is going to be a great and unusual year for us nature nerds.


  4. Pingback: It’s Miller Time! Moths Annual Migration to Mountains Begins Early

  5. Do you have any suggestions on how to control these moths in our homes? We are getting close to fifty a night. Our three year old son can’t sleep till we get them all. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.

    • Amanda – Sorry, I don’t have any expertise in that area. I’ve seen people put bowls of soapy water beneath windows and/or lights so the moths will land and drown in the water. I’d contact your County Extension Agent for advice, I think. Good luck!

  6. Pingback: Ahead of the Game | The Prairie Ecologist

  7. Pingback: Intercontinental Insect Migration (!) | The Prairie Ecologist

  8. Pingback: Photo of the Week – September 26, 2013 | The Prairie Ecologist

  9. Pingback: The Painted Lady Butterfly: This Year’s Poster Child for Insect Migration | The Prairie Ecologist

  10. Pingback: Welcome Back! | The Prairie Ecologist


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