Photos of the Week – April 22, 2022

Grasses are really starting to grow in our local prairies and early wildflowers are starting to bloom as well. That’s fantastic and it’s a welcome end to a long dry winter. However, it would be even more fantastic IF THE WIND WOULD STOP BLOWING FOR JUST A FEW HOURS PLEASE. Good grief.

Despite the wind, I’ve managed to get some photography done this month. I’ve already shared some of it, but here are some miscellaneous photos I haven’t put on the blog yet. Have a great weekend!

This is a drone photo of a wetland restoration project at the Platte River Prairies that I started working on in 2003 and have been able to watch ever since. When we started, it was an old sand and gravel mining pit surrounded by trees. Now, it’s a stream with side channels and backwater wetlands that is currently well-dammed up by beavers.
This is the same wetland as shown above photographed about a half hour after the drone photo as the sun was nearing the horizon. Tokina 11-20mm lens @11mm. ISO 800, f/22, 1/320 sec.
Here is one of many beaver dams that has currently transformed the stream channels in the restored wetland into bigger impoundments. Tokina 11-20mm lens @11mm. ISO 320, f/22, 1/125 sec.
Along the edge of the wetland, I had fun exploring some bubbles in the algae lining the banks. This photo was taken as the sun was right at the horizon. Nikon 105mm macro lens. ISO 640, f/10, 1/60 sec.
When I traveled to the Niobrara Valley Preserve to photograph sharp-tailed grouse earlier this week I arrived the evening before and scouted the blind to make sure I knew how to find it in the dark. Afterward, I stopped at a Sandhills blowout and photographed patterns in the sand created by this spring’s strong winds. Tokina 11-20mm lens @11mm. ISO 400, f/13, 1/125 sec.
I was getting sandblasted by the wind as I took these photos and was trying to protect my lens (and face!) from getting scratched up, but I really loved the patterns and photographed them until the sun disappeared behind a cloud. Tokina 11-20mm lens @11mm. ISO 320, f/13, 1/125 sec.
More of the same. Tokina 11-20mm lens @11mm. ISO 320, f/14, 1/100 sec.
And one final shot of the blowout. Tokina 11-20mm lens @11mm. ISO 320, f/14, 1/100 sec.
After leaving the blowout, I headed back toward headquarters but since it looked like the sun might pop out of the clouds one final time before hitting the horizon, I stopped at the Norden Chute on the Niobrara River. Here, the wind was blowing spray from the falls into my lens and face so I had to keep the lens turned away from the wind, squeeze off a quick shot, and then wipe the lens dry before trying again. Tokina 11-20mm lens @11mm. ISO 320, f/13, 1/100 sec.
After leaving the grouse blind on Monday morning, I checked the hills north of the river for pasque flowers and found a few blooming, including this one. Spring is here! Tokina 11-20mm lens @11mm. ISO 640, f/22, 1/200 sec.

Would You Lek to See Some Grouse Photos?

If you’ve followed this blog for very long, you’re familiar with my lack of patience, skill, and luck when it comes to photographing largish wildlife species. My failed attempts to see and/or photograph river otters have become so well-known that upon meeting people for the first time, I’m sometimes greeted with, “Hi Chris. Seen any otters lately?? (snigger)” I’ve also had ‘mixed success’ with photographing prairie dogs, Sandhill cranes, and many other large mammals and birds.

Some of my failure stems from my own impatience. I don’t usually take the time to scout locations, set up blinds, and then sit in those blinds hoping an animal will approach and pose for a photo. On the rare occasions when I’ve carried out the first two steps, I’ve ended up sitting for long hours in a cramped blind while the creatures I hoped to photograph sit elsewhere drinking tea (I imagine) and telling stories about me. As a result, I prefer macro photography because there are small creatures everywhere and all I have to do is find one that doesn’t immediately fly, hop, or crawl away.

Well, I think I’ve figured out the secret to my own success with larger wildlife. I just need others to do the hard work for me! This week, I spent a fantastic morning in a blind on a sharp-tailed grouse lek in the Nebraska Sandhills. Our staff at The Nature Conservancy’s Niobrara Valley Preserve scouted the site, set up the blind, tested it out, and then called to invite me to come try it out. Even then, I was pretty sure something would scupper the whole thing.

Nope! I had a terrific morning and got some very fine photos, if I do say so myself.

Two male sharp-tailed grouse show off the bright white underside of their tails while ‘dancing’ on the lek in early morning light. Sigma 100-400mm lens @400mm. ISO 800, f/6.3, 1/500 sec.

You may not be familiar with the term ‘lek’. A lek is a congregation of male grouse performing courtship displays for females and/or the site where those performances occur. There are more than thirty leks at the Niobrara Valley Preserve that our staff visit each spring during annual survey efforts. Earlier this year, long before the grouse started feeling frisky, my colleagues erected a blind in the middle of one of those leks and hoped the grouse would ignore it when it was courtship time. It worked.

A brief aside: While double checking some information on sharp-tailed grouse online, I found a description of them at that seemed a little more disparaging than was necessary. Their description was “A tubby, chickenlike bird with small head, small bill, short legs, and medium-long, graduated (pointed) tail.” None of that is inaccurate, I guess, but it seems like we could do better than essentially calling these majestic birds “fat chickens with small heads and legs”.

Females like this tend to hang around the margins of leks, observing the males as they dance. Sigma 100-400mm lens @400mm. ISO 800, f/6.3, 1/500 sec.

One of the great things about photographing grouse on a lek is that they are so focused on intimidating each other and showing off for females that they could care less about pretty much everything else. They came close enough to the blind that even my cheap telephoto lens was more than enough to make full frame portraits of them. They also spent a lot of time striking macho poses, holding still for more than long enough for me to get them in focus and get multiple sharp photos.

During the spring, males show off bright orange ‘eyebrows’ that give them a particularly stern appearance. Sigma 100-400mm lens @400mm. ISO 400, f/6.3, 1/1000 sec.
Here are three males dancing near each other, wings held to the side, and tails pointed straight up. Sigma 100-400mm lens @300mm. ISO 640, f/6.3, 1/2500 sec.

The courtship display of a male sharpie combines very rapid foot stamping (up to 20 times per second, apparently) with tail feather rattling, a distinct posture, and cooing/squawking sounds produced with the help of an inflated/deflated air sac on the side of its neck. While stamping its feet, it spins and darts around frenetically. It’s all very charming. By which I mean, it’s all very deadly serious – as you can see from the expressions on the faces of the grouse.

That’s a completely anthropomorphic statement from me, of course. I have no idea if grouse read expressions like humans do. But check out the deadly serious look on the face of this grouse (below).

This male looked right at the blind a couple times, but I really don’t think he recognized me or what I was doing. If he did, it sure didn’t seem to slow him down. Sigma 100-400mm lens @400mm. ISO 400, f/6.3, 1/1000 sec.

It’s really hard to describe the movement and sound of these birds and still photos don’t help much. I’m not a great videographer, but I did manage to get a couple mediocre video clips that show some of what I’m trying to describe (see below).

As the morning wore on, dancing activity diminished and males spend a lot of time paired up and just staring each other down. Eventually, one would make a half-hearted jump at the other and one of them would wander off. Sigma 100-400mm lens @100mm. ISO 640, f/10, 1/1000 sec.
Two male grouse with a beautiful Sandhills prairie backdrop. Sigma 100-400mm lens @250mm. ISO 640, f/6, 1/3200 sec.
The wind picked up later in the morning and started fluffing up the feathers of birds when their back was to the breeze. Sigma 100-400mm lens @400mm. ISO 400, f/6.3, 1/1000 sec.
This male is showing off its pink air sacs, as well as its bright orange ‘eyebrows’. Sigma 100-400mm lens @300mm. ISO 640, f/6, 1/2000 sec.
The dance of a sharp-tailed grouse combines both sound and posturing, both of which are impressive. Sigma 100-400mm lens @400mm. ISO 640, f/6.3, 1/3200 sec.
This photo was taken shortly before the entire group simultaneously flew off over the hill, signaling the end of the morning performance. Sigma 100-400mm lens @400mm. ISO 640, f/6.3, 1/3200 sec.

I can’t thank our NVP staff enough for getting all this set up and allowing me to take advantage of their hard work. I’ve watched sharp-tailed grouse displays before, but always at a distance. This was my first time observing them up close and with opportunities to photograph them. It was an extraordinary experience and I’m very grateful.

If you want your own sharp-tailed grouse lek experience, there are public access blinds available in multiple places in the Sandhills, including at the Valentine National Wildlife Refuge and the Bessey District of the U.S. Forest Service.