High Water and Low Bugs

The Platte River Prairies got four to five inches of rain last week, filling up the sloughs (old river channels) in many of our floodplain prairies. This will help quite a bit with the lingering drought conditions we’ve been dealing with. It also provided a chance to photograph some of our sedge meadows with standing water, something I’ve not had much opportunity to do over the last couple years.

I wasn’t able to get out on Friday, but arrived at one of our prairies before sunrise on Saturday. I was wearing rain pants, rain jacket, and neoprene boots, anticipating that I’d be wading through and kneeling in shallow water. As it happened, I also laid down several times, which my rain suit wasn’t completely adapted to. It made for a damp ride home, but it was well worth it.

Gently flowing water running through an historic river channel in a floodplain prairie.

I spent most of my time along a single large slough that still had half a foot or more of water in it. The water level had clearly dropped during the previous day and was gently running to the east, where it would eventually meet up with the Platte River. It was a peaceful, beautiful morning, with birds singing and a light breeze rustling the leaves of last year’s prairie plants.

I took some photos of the landscape, complete with moon and colorful clouds, before the sun rose, and noted the calls of the first grasshopper sparrows and eastern meadowlarks I’d heard this year. The vast majority of meadowlarks in the Platte River Prairies are the western species, but I think this site has had a few eastern meadowlarks present each year for at last 30 years now. I wonder if it’s the same multi-generational family through time.

The same slough from a different angle.

Usually, big rain events strands ground-dwelling invertebrates in the vegetation above standing water, waiting for the water to recede. One of this year’s Hubbard Fellows (Kees) had sent me photos from the this site the previous day showing a bunch of pill bugs (aka sow bugs, rolly polies, or woodlice) that had retreated upward. Sure enough, they were still there.

I was a little surprised not to see the scads of ants I’ve seen after other storms. I wonder if that’s because the ground beneath the standing water is usually saturated enough that it prevents ant burrowing. In other words, maybe ants weren’t living in the area that flooded. If the water had spread out to the broader landscape, covering more mesic prairie, maybe it would have stranded more ants? I didn’t see many beetles or other insects either. Pill bugs, though, were very abundant. I saw clusters of up to 50 or more on the same plant.

A pill bug stranded above standing water.
Lots of pill bugs on the same bunch of grass as the sun rose.

I hope you appreciate the above photo because taking it led to the first seepage of water between my rain jacket and rain pants. I’d been doing well propping myself on my elbows and keeping my mid-section out of the water (those planking exercises were paying off!) but for this shot I had to extend a little further into the slough to get the right angle. The things I do for dumb bug photos…

Pill bugs
A moody shot of a single pill bug
A glamour shot of a pill bug in nice light
Another single pill bug on a sedge (probably woolly sedge – Carex pellita)

I came across a few big white scarab beetle larvae floating or stranded in shallow water. Most seemed to be still alive. Going back to my ants-in-saturated-soil hypothesis, I wondered if they’d actually been underground beneath the slough. It seemed unlikely, but what do I know? My guess was that they might have come up to the surface in higher areas when the heavy rains saturated the soil they’d been in. Then they might have been washed into the sloughs from there. Counter hypotheses (or facts) are welcome…

I saw several of these scarab beetle larvae in the slough. This one was still alive, though it didn’t seem happy.

As the sun rose, I took some more landscape photos, including the one below, which was a nearly identical framing as that of the first photo of this post. An hour’s difference in the light, though, makes the photo look pretty different!

This photo was taken an hour after the first photo of this post. The colors and light were really different. Diffuse clouds reduced the sun’s intensity a little, but it was still a lot warmer light than before sunrise.

Most of our wetland and wet prairie sedge species are blooming right now and it was fun to see a lot of them around. Sedge identification can be pretty tricky under the best circumstances, but all the keys I have rely on the sedges being the seed stage. When they’re actively flowering, all I can do is guess based on the location, height and density of the plants, and sometimes the growth form. One the flowering period is over, there’s a window of time in which I can look at features like perigynia, spikelets, stigmas, pistillate scales and other fun botanically-named plant structures that allow me to distinguish between species.

We’re lucky in Nebraska that the Flora of Nebraska has an excellent dichotomous key for sedge identification. Some of the terminology can be a little intimidating at first, but if you’re motivated, I’d encourage you to dive in and give it a try. Once you can start identifying species, you can marvel at the diversity of sedge species in prairies and wetlands! Not surprisingly, in plant communities called “sedge meadows”, sedges make up a pretty important part of the ecosystem…

I won’t even guess at the identify of this sedge at this stage.

This might be a good time for a quick rant. Even if it’s not a good time I’m gonna do it.

You may have heard the phrase “sedges have edges”, or the longer version, “sedges have edges, rushes are round”. These are dumb and nearly useless phrases, in my humble (but strong) opinion. The “edges” part refers to the idea that sedges are supposed to have a triangular stem in cross section. When you roll the stems in your fingers, you can feel the “edges” of that triangle.

The problem is that while all (most?) sedges have leaves that extend out in three directions, not all of them have noticeable triangular stems or edges. Even worse, other wetland graminoids like bulrushes often have very distinct triangular stems with obvious edges. That pretty much spoils the value of the phrases, doesn’t it? Let’s all agree to stop using the “sedges have edges” thing, ok? The fact that it rhymes doesn’t make it accurate.

Thank you for listening.

These are likely Crawe’s sedge (Carex craweii), but that’s only because I know the site pretty well and thel location, height and density match up with what I’d expect for that species.

It’ll be interesting to see if last week’s rain is enough to pull the Platte River Prairies out of the “moderate drought” category on the Drought Monitor website. Regardless, the precipitation was probably enough to significantly change the competitive balance in our plant communities for at least the next month or two.

We’re constantly applying fire, grazing, haying, rest, and other treatments to the prairies, each of which can favor some plant species while suppressing others – depending upon treatment timing, intensity, duration, and other variables. Weather patterns, though, also play a very significant role in determining which plants will find favorable conditions to grow, bloom, and thrive each year. Our prairies look very different in dry years than in wet years.

Of course, wet and dry conditions also affect animal and other communities as well. As we’re seeing right now, rapid changes in water levels and soil moisture can affect species like pill bugs, ground beetles, ants, and many others. At the same time, those new conditions will be really attractive to all the shorebirds and other water birds migrating through, as well as those looking for local nesting sites.

Looking beyond short-term changes, though, if this turns out to be a fairly wet year, it’ll have positive and negative consequences for lots of animals. While lush vegetation growth will be great for many, higher rates of fungal infections and other pathogens can be problematic as well. Pollinators and other invertebrates that specialize on plants that thrive in wet years will celebrate, but those that focus on plants more adapted to dry conditions won’t find as many opportunities.

Either way, diverse prairies are well-adapted to variability in weather and other factors. As managers, our job is to facilitate the species diversity that maintains that adaptability. And, of course, we can admire and celebrate the ways in which prairies flex and modify themselves to meet whatever comes.

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About Chris Helzer

Chris Helzer is the Director of Science for The Nature Conservancy in Nebraska. His main role is to evaluate and capture lessons from the Conservancy’s land management and restoration work and then share those lessons with other landowners – both private and public. In addition, Chris works to raise awareness about the importance of prairies and their conservation through his writing, photography, and presentations to various groups. Chris is also the author of "The Ecology and Management of Prairies in the Central United States", published by the University of Iowa Press. He lives in Aurora, Nebraska with his wife Kim and their children.

13 thoughts on “High Water and Low Bugs

  1. I so appreciate your blog. I often get to learn new stuff which always delights me. My goal is to once again be able to crawl/ wiggle to get great pictures of insects after two hip replacements this year at age 82.

    *Marilyn * Adventures of a Vagabond Volunteer http://mkircus2.blogspot.com/

  2. Your rant on ‘sedges,etc’ is duly noted! As a very amateur botanist, I confess I used that phrase more than once. Generalizations usually don’t work in life, and also in the natural world! Thanks for showing us the little creatures in the prairie world that we’d normally walk right by. And for going to great lengths (in standing water) for the photos!

  3. I always thought “sedges have edges” referred to the fact that their leaves are very sharp; if you run your finger backwards down the edge of the blade you are likely to get a “paper” cut (sedge cut?) from the silica.

    • Interesting. Though if that were the case, it would be even worse, since many grasses are extremely sharp when you slide your finger the wrong way along their leaves! Rice cut grass and prairie cordgrass, as just two examples.

  4. Hi Chris! 

    The photos didn’t show up for me today for some reason, in my email, when I opened the blog, or in the WordPress® ‘reader’. I will try to reload later today. Very likely something on my end.

    The ecological implications of more extreme weather events is certainly worth some thought. Diversity is certainly a key to being able to survive and adapt (also thinking about our monocultural ag systems here). 

      • I tried again this afternoon, Chris, and they all popped up! I think it was probably something with my ISP here in Illinois. Thanks for checking it out. 

  5. this post has spots for pictures and comments but NO PICTURES !

    Richard Henry Nowak, lover of West River South Dakota, and occasional resident. Love your blog!

    • Richard, I’m sorry about this. One other person reported the same thing. I’m trying to track down the problem. One thing you could try: if you get the post in an email, does it work if you click on the title at the top and open it online? Or if you just go to prairieecologist.com and look at the post there, do the photos show up?

  6. Pingback: Photos of the Week – May 6, 2024 | The Prairie Ecologist


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